Why Organic Food Makes Sense For Both Scientific and Practical Reasons

Thursday, July 12, 2012
When you hear the term organic food, what is the first thing that comes into your mind? Something very scientific in nature and a bit too complicated to be understood by a layman? Actually, that’s not the case. Because once you get to know more about the concept behind organic food, you’ll be surprised that it’s actually a very easy concept to understand. Even better, it’s a much better product to have in your dining room. Of course it takes a bit of exploration to understand the concept better. In this article, you’ll see the reasons why organic food makes sense for both scientific and practical reasons.
Before you can understand why organic food is such a hit right now and even more so moving forward, one must define first what organic food is. Knowing its true definition is important because as you may already know, some businesses are actually capitalizing on the term “organic food”, though that should not be anyone’s trademark. Organic food is not actually a brand or even a type of food. What makes food organic is the process in which food was made. If the organic process is not followed, then it disqualifies food from being considered as organic.
In this next paragraph, the process of creating organic food is going to be explained. It will ultimately explain why organic food makes sense scientifically. The process of making organic food starts with a meticulously created farming process. This process is different from conventional farming mainly because all steps are made to ensure an all-natural approach is to be followed. And when you talk about natural, that means nothing artificial, such as fertilizers, pesticides, antibiotics, and artificially modified feed must be introduced to food-producing plants and animals. It’s already well-documented how these artificial substances reduce the overall quality of life for these plants and animals. They are also equally known for damaging ecosystems both in the farm and beyond. The removal of these artificial substances makes organic farming such a sensible thing to do.
In a practical sense, there are a lot of reasons why organic food is the better choice. One of the reasons is the better quality of food produced by organic means. Not only are these foods of better quality (better color, texture, size, and flavor), but they are also much more nutritious. But it doesn’t only make sense for consumers, but it also makes sense for farmers. Not only does it keep the farm in good shape (as explained in the earlier paragraph), but it reduces their expenses. Fertilizers, pesticides, antibiotics, and the like are known to be expensive, so eliminating them from the equation has its benefits on the financial front. So practically, both food producers and consumers can be happy with organic farming.
There are a lot of reasons why organic food makes a lot of sense, but what’s discussed here are just some of the most compelling ones. That just goes to prove that following an organic lifestyle makes sense for both scientific and practical reasons.


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